OK! So Amazingly fun to cook. Not Vegan, but totally Gluten Free
even the homemade "Gluten Free" bun.
even the homemade "Gluten Free" bun.
Household loved them! You will too!
Created relish and buns today!
1 lb Organic Certified Gluen Free Hamburger meat, fat content of choice
1 tsp Cumin
1 tsp Chili Powder
1/2 tsp Paprika
Pinch of Salt
(you can double or tripple this resipe to make more. Just yuse the same amount of seasoning per pound of beef that you make).
Garnish: Dijon or Regular Mustard and Lettuce. You can add cheese or whatever youwould like, but remember that these are created for fabulous flavor already.
1 lb Certified Gluten Free Bacon
10-12 small Organic Peppadew peppers diced into small pieces
1/8 Cup Organic Pickled Jalapenos diced into small pieces
1/8 Cup Fresh Organic Basil chopped small
(You can double this recipe no problem to make more)
Combine all ingredients in a bowl, mix well and set aside.
Cook OGF Bacon until desired crisp and set aside, keep warm. If BBQing bacon is fabuous when BBQ'd.
Out OGF Hamburger in a bowl and add all of the spices. Using hands combine until very well mixed and spices are evenly ditributed. Make patties and either BBQ, Grill or Pan Cook as you normally would.
Add Lettuce to bottom bun, then Hamburger and then the Bacon on top of Hamburger. Add Mustard to top of bun and add the Relish ontop of the Mustard. This will help kind of hold some. Also add a little to top of the Bacon. Place top bun on top and Enjoy!
1 3/4 Cup Warm water
2 Tbl + 1 tsp Organic Agave Nectar
2 1/2 tsp Gluten Free Active Dry Yeast (1 Small Package)
3 Tbl Organic Ground Flaxseed or Flaxseed Meal
1 1/4 Cup Organic Sorghum Four
2/3 Cup Organic Arrowroot Starch
1/2 Cup Organic Quinoa Flour
1/3 Cup Organic Tapioca Flour
2 Tbl Organic Almond Meal/Four
2 1/2 tsp Organic Xanthan Gum
1 1/2 tsp Organic Sea Salt
2 Tbl Olive Oil
1 tsp Organic Apple Cider Vinegar
6 Baking Rings or 6 Rings made out of Tin Foil at leat 4" wide. Oil rings on the inside. Set on Parchment Paper lined Baking Sheet.
In a large bowl or stand mixer bowl add 3/4 Cups Water and Flax Seed whisk well and let sit to thicken.
In bowl whisk lightly 1 Cup Water, 1 tsp of Agave Nectar and Yeast. Set aside and let rest about 5-8 minutes until about a 1/2 inch foam forms on the top.
In the mean while add ingredients from Sorghun Flour to Salt into a bowl and whisk to combine well.
Add the Agave Syrup, Oil and Vinegar to the Flax Seed mixture. Using mixer blend on medium until well combined. Turn mixer to low speed and add the yeast mixture and the flour mixture alternately then turn mixer back to high and blend for 4 minutes. Batter will be come thick and sticky like a thick cake batter.
Form balls with oiled hands and shape them into bun type shapes, set into the rings. Let rise in a warm place uncovered for about one hour. If you do nt have a warm place you can turn your oven to warm and set them in there. I always turn my oven off, without opening the door, at about 30 minutes and then let them still sit in the oven the rest of the time to continue rising. If in the oven pull the buns out first, preheat oven to 350*. Place buns in the oven and bake for 15-20 minutes until brown and test just like you would a cake to see if done. If you have a propane oven they take a little bit longer. Differnt climates may take longer too. Once done let sit until cooled before slicing. Use them with your burgers!
You can also use these for Sandwich bread! Since they are Gluten Free and Vegan you can use them for any meal that calls for GF/V foods! Yummy!
Combine this meal with your Gluten Free Vegan Onion Rings (previous post).
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